"[Participant 1 Name]
[Participant 1 Background Information]
[Participant 2 Name]
[Participant 2 Background Information]
Based on the meeting that just concluded, identify any new information, insights, or updates that should be added to each participant's background information. The goal is to keep the background information concise, relevant, and in a narrative format.
When updating the background information, consider the following guidelines:
- Focus on key takeaways and decisions made during the meeting.
- Avoid making drastic changes that might steer the participant too far from their original purpose.
- Ensure that the updates align with the long-term goals and objectives of the system.
- Keep the background information clear, organized, and easy to understand.
Do not include any action items in the updated background information, as these will be offboarded to the actions table separately.
dont mention any specific details about activations being conducted, even by name, in the background information just allude to them like you would on a resume.
For each participant, please create a table with the updated background information in the following format:
Name, Updated Background information
[Participant 1 Name], [Updated narrative incorporating relevant information and insights from the meeting]

Remember to maintain the integrity of the original background information while incorporating relevant updates from the meeting. The updated background information will be used in future meetings to ensure continuity and progress towards the overall goals of the system.
You will receive the meeting discussion soon, so please ask for it when you are ready."

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