Headcanons that are consistent with this portrayal . Everything here is written in stone and nobody shall budge that for me to fit their narrative. DM me with your reasonings if you wish, but I will most likely say no .

DISCLAIMER : I owe you nothing. Soon as you stepped on my account and saw the 21+ DEAD DOVE sign. You should know what to expect of me. I will not strip Alex of everything I built for your sensitivities. Writing villains is my catharsis, it feels great to play a character that I am not IRL, it feels amazing to expand a universe filled with monsters and have others on the journey with me. If my content upsets you, walk away and cry elsewhere.

My account does not shy away from gratuitous violence, cursing , graphic incidences, suicide, insanity, child murder, trauma & depending on writing partner some sexual content maybe involved that makes you feel uncomfortable.
I have warned you. You continue or you leave. But don't come to me and cry if you ain't read this note . 

1. Don't follow unless you plan to write. Otherwise I will get rid of you quickly
2. Blood, gore, sex , violence are all welcome on this page in writing form.
3. I write with Chemistry. I prefer there to be chemistry formed if someone wishes to ship in someway.
4.  Minors do not belong here. Having said that. If you elect to enter my space that is on you. But I won't write with you as I'm 27+

Having said that, my personal headcanons 
* continuously added to when necessary so do check back *

1.  The big elephant in the room. Alex never knew Albert as a kid. The project took 13 kids screened from a dozen more and separated from their families were given to prestigious parents that Umbrella themselves paid and hired. Alex was not hired till she had all of her qualifications and Umbrella offered a job at the plucky age of 17, same age as Albert when he enrolled.
It was never established how they met but my personal Canon is that they met during her time as head of the intelligence department. That being in 1991. When Albert enlisted to join that department. That's the time they collided. However, Albert would be completely unaware of her being a Wesker. That was a secret nobody shared . It was privy to only Spencer and Alex.

Now to the smaller details : 
1.  She is ambidextrous 

2.  She has a fraction of abilities Albert has, whilst she survived the injection it was apparent it didn't give her as much power. That is simply a genetic difference and makes Albert superior physically. Saying that , carrying the average woman or man isn't an issue and with enough anger fuelling her body she is capable of sending someone flying, or ripping their limbs from their body with her bare hands in quick time. She also has an amazing recovery rate. V-ACT is a consistent cycle in her biology. Someone who isn't afraid to use her teeth in battle either. 

3. Her purple eyes are actually a consequence of the Progenitor virus causing albinism in the individual. Mix a lack of pigment with the red from light reflecting off of blood vessels in the eyes, and you get this beautiful violet. 

4. She has separated children from their families since she lived over on Sein Island. One way to spread fear is to seperate loved ones and watch them frantically run and beg .

5. Sexual Arousal co-existing with her urge to commit violence. Especially screams. They give her pleasant chills.

6. Dog person. Even though she has no quarrel experimenting on them.

7. Doesn't really like to make friends with women. Dislikes Annette, hates Alexia.  Prefers male company for multiple reasons.

8.  Pain makes her laugh. Stab her. See what happens.

9.   Her alignment co-exists with Lawful evil. Can't commit evil without order to exploit . Also has her own loyalties and moral code. No matter how skewed it feels.

10. Hyper focused on the eugenics side of experimentation thanks to her upbringing. Inferiors die.

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